Hi there,
I have trouble computing Frames in TF with each other and I hope that one of you can help me out here. I know that I am supposed to use a Rotation Matrix and Quaternions etc. but right now, nothing makes sense.
Here's what I want to do. I have two Frames with different Coordinate Systems. One of them is normal (X/Y/Z), and then there is one Frame in it, that has (Z/Y/X) (Its a Camera Frame)
The lookup from the twisted Frame to the normal Frame works fine, and I know that If I want to modify this lookup/transform, then I have to use the twisted Frames Coordinate System. But I don't want to do that. I want to use this lookup, and then modify the transform from the viewpoint of the "normal" frame.
Z/Y/X ------------------------------------> X/Y/Z -----------------------------> 0 Vector (Z/Y/X) Vector (X/Y/Z)
Z/Y/X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 0 Combined Vector with Combined Rotation
Is there a clean way to do this? Are there any functions that I missed? I use C++ and I am still a beginner with ROS, sorry about that.
Thank you
Originally posted by Arthur_Ace on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2019-03-18
Post score: 0