I wonder if I can exclude an active joint from kinematic chain in MoveIt! configuration.
I'm trying to use Sawyer, 7DOF arm. The sawyer MoveIt! Tutorial have sawyer_moveit_config which uses all joints and KDL, and it works. But 7DOF IK is a bit twitchy, so I want to try to handle it as 6DOF arm for investigation.
The easiest way is to make a joint as fixed joint in robot_description, but Sawyer setup /robot_description in the controller box so that I cannot change the description.
Is there any way to do so in MoveIt! settings? I tried passive joint, but it seems not update the joint angle, so the robot state gets incorrect.
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by longjie0723 on ROS Answers with karma: 56 on 2018-10-18
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by longjie0723 on 2018-10-21:
I see, thank you! Sawyer SDK provide us joint_trajectory_controller and let us start it explicitly, so I guess it is not so differ from other system. I continue to investigate on it. Thanks.