I have just started with ROS and MoveIt! and I'd like to use it for planning trajectories on a Sawyer robot (ROS version: kinetic). I have followed the tutorial on SDK intera webpage then I went through the Python tutorial linked at the end of that page.
After the commands roslaunch sayer_moveit_config sawyer_movit.launch
and roslaunch sayer_moveit_config group_movit.launch
, I ran python tutorial.py
, the script containing the code in the linked Python tutorial, with the only difference that I defined group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("right_arm")
instead of left_arm (because Sawyer robot has only right arm).
Well, in Rviz I can see the planned trajectory. The problem arose while attempting to execute the plan: in the output I can read
a vector of zeros for 'positions', like in this question (but I don't have to rename the joint_states topic, because for Sawyer the topic is already '/robot/joint_states')
"Joint values for monitored state are requested but the full state is not known", whilst
$ rostopic echo /robot/joint_states
shows a stream of positions..
Googling this error, I have found here
if (!current_state_monitor_->waitForCurrentState(opt_.group_name_, wait_seconds))
ROS_WARN_NAMED("move_group_interface", "Joint values for monitored state are requested but the full state is not "known");
Do you have some some suggestion? What's wrong? I only have these files and the Python tutorial. Many thanks.
Originally posted by BoBiBù on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2018-01-30
Post score: 0