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I use robot_upstart to start the robot.In the startup.launch file ,I launch only one node which I called myrobot_node . Here is the node content.image description. In this node, l launch a launchfile. However , I can see all nodes are running when I userosnode list.But when I test the nodes , I find some are not working well .For example , in one node, I use system("echo 666666 | sudo -S reboot") to reboot the system .However ,it didn't respond. And if I rosrun robot_upstart myrobot_node directly,things seems ok. what's wrong ? is there any problem with the function system()?

Originally posted by Tomas yuan on ROS Answers with karma: 56 on 2018-03-19

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jayess on 2018-03-19:
Please don't use a screenshot to post text. Images are not searchable and people cannot copy and paste your code from an image. Please update your question with a copy and paste (using the preformatted text 101010 button). http://wiki.ros.org/Support


1 Answer 1


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Not really an answer though,

if I rosrun robot_upstart myrobot_node directly,things seems ok.

I don't think an executable called myrobot_node is available in robot_upstart package. On my computer I see:

$ rosrun robot_upstart  (here I press tab)
getifip       install       mklaunch      mkxacro       mutate_files  uninstall     
$ apt-cache policy ros-kinetic-robot-upstart 
  Installed: 0.2.2-0xenial-20180222-231517-0800

So, I can only assume you're using cutomized version of robot_upstart. If that's the case, no one can't really help you unless we have an access to its code (and even if we do have an access, looking at the cutomized code raises a bar for most of the people on this forum in general, so that the chance of you getting useful response will get slim).

That said, please try to make your question as general as possible. Then, share all the commands you ran and the output regarding installation you did using robot_upstart. Also the entire launch file where you include the node you cited.

Originally posted by 130s with karma: 10937 on 2018-03-19

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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