I am trying to play a rosbag with a topic of type visualization_msgs/MarkerArray which represents an occupancy grid. When I replay the bag and try to visualize on rViz, I encounter the following error:
[ERROR] [1519233528.633435694]: Client [/rviz_1519232642521321305] wants topic /occupied_cells_vis_array to have datatype/md5sum [visualization_msgs/MarkerArray/d155b9ce5188fbaf89745847fd5882d7], but our version has [visualization_msgs/MarkerArray/90da67007c26525f655c1c269094e39f]. Dropping connection.
I am using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04
Originally posted by PrieureDeSion on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2018-02-21
Post score: 0