I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and indigo on my host computer. I want to visualize some rviz visualization markers on my remote laptop. However, I cannot install Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop since some hardware problems (too new?kabylake). So I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and kinetic instead. However, when I subscribe to the same topic, I get this error:
[ERROR]: Client [/rviz_1493900002586455363] wants topic /prm_graph to have datatype/md5sum [visualization_msgs/Marker/4048c9de2a16f4ae8e0538085ebf1b97], but our version has [visualization_msgs/Marker/18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde]. Dropping connection.
I checked that the message type both are "visualization_msgs/Marker". The only difference is those numbers and letters. Any idea why this is happening? I guess it is because the ROS version is different.
Originally posted by Tixiao on ROS Answers with karma: 130 on 2017-05-04
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by Tixiao on 2017-05-04:
BTW, the Rviz is running ok on another client computer that is installed with Indigo.
Comment by NEngelhard on 2017-05-04:
Your two system use different versions of the visualization_msgs/Marker (It was changed between Indigo and Kinetic)