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Hi, I appreciate your fast response on this.

I am using the Xsense MTi-G710 with all outputs enabled. Inside the building without a GPS fix everything is fine. Once I get outside to open sky and get a fix, the driver fails showing this message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtnode.py", line 717, in main() File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtnode.py", line 713, in main driver.spin() File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtnode.py", line 122, in spin self.spin_once() File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtnode.py", line 629, in spin_once data = self.mt.read_measurement() File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtdevice.py", line 632, in read_measurement return self.parse_MTData2(data) File "/home/renawi/catkin_ws/src/ethzasl_xsens_driver/nodes/mtdevice.py", line 912, in parse_MTData2 raise MTException("fixed point precision not supported.") mtdef.MTException: fixed point precision not supported.

Any help?

Originally posted by AbdRenawi on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2017-03-20

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Fixed! I changed the settings of the GPS data to floating point.

Originally posted by AbdRenawi with karma: 31 on 2017-04-25

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Ubicray on 2017-08-02:
Where and how did you change it?

Comment by AbdRenawi on 2017-08-06:
I Installed the Xsense manager on a windows PC and connected the sensor to it. There you find an option to change thr GPS data type.


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