Hi, I have a 7-dof manipulator being simulated in the gazebo. Now I am trying to move it through follow_joint_trajectory action interface in matlab. When I send the goal after creating the actionclient, seven_dof_arm/seven_dof_arm_joint_controller/follow_joint_trajectory, the model in the gazebo succeeds in moving to the desired pose. But then some error appears in the terminal. It is shown as follow.
[ERROR] [1479176827.080220708, 3.214000000]: Client [/matlab_global_node_16201] wants topic /seven_dof_arm/seven_dof_arm_joint_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/result to have datatype/md5sum [control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionResult/bce83d50f7bb28226801436caf0e2043], but our version has [control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionResult/c4fb3b000dc9da4fd99699380efcc5d9]. Dropping connection.
As it shows, the md5sum of message control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionResult in matlab and ros indigo are different. How to fix this error? Thanks very much.
Originally posted by TyrionZK on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2016-11-14
Post score: 0