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After roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch, then rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui, I select /camera/driver, but nothing shows up on the reconfigure window, and the following error is shown on the openni.launch terminal:

[ERROR] [1365395678.038589497]: Client [/reconfigure_gui_13810_1365391644607] wants topic /camera/driver/parameter_descriptions to have datatype/md5sum [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription/757ce9d44ba8ddd801bb30bc456f946f], but our version has [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription/5f0f929417f58ac7f30dfdd9e4d40ef2]. Dropping connection.

What is wrong?

Thank you very much for your help.

Originally posted by Chik on ROS Answers with karma: 229 on 2013-04-07

Post score: 1


2 Answers 2


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I don't know about the problem, but if you just want to (statically) enable registration, you can edit your openni.launch file.


<arg name="depth_registration" default="false" />


<arg name="depth_registration" default="true" />

to enable depth registration by default.

Originally posted by Philip with karma: 990 on 2013-04-07

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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Thank you very much, Philip. I discovered the reason. I am using Electric in Turtlebot laptop but Fuerte in workstation. Perhaps the datatype changes when the ROS version changes. I run dynamic_reconfigure from the turtlebot laptop, then it is okay. And in rviz (run from workstation) the registered point cloud looks very nice.

Originally posted by Chik with karma: 229 on 2013-04-07

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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