I am having trouble with actionlib.SimpleActionClient wait_for_server timing out when the client and server are on different systems and I could use help understanding why. In this case, roscore and the action server is running on a Raspberry Pi and the client is running on an Ubuntu VM. Both are running Indigo. I have a simple example that runs fine when the client and server run on the same computer (the Raspberry Pi). However when I run roscore and the action server on the Raspberry Pi and I run these commands on the Ubuntu client side:
- rosnode list correctly lists the server node
- rostopic list correctly lists the topics
- rosnode ping ping_action_server shows repeated successful pings of about 20 msecs
However, when I run the following client code it fails to connect...
import sys
import rospy
import actionlib
from inmoov.msg import PingAction, PingGoal, PingResult
def onShutdown():
rospy.loginfo("Shutting down")
rospy.init_node('ping_client', log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('ping', PingAction)
rospy.loginfo("Waiting for ping action server...")
finished = client.wait_for_server(timeout = rospy.Duration(10.0))
if(finished is False):
rospy.logerr("Ping action server timed out")
rospy.loginfo("Ping action server found")
print("An exception was encountered")
e = sys.exc_info()[0]
print str(e)
The output is:
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631183.986657] init_node, name[/ping_client], pid[7947]
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631183.987061] binding to 0
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631183.987256] bound to 35061
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631183.987703] ... service URL is rosrpc://raspberrypi:35061
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631183.987884] [/ping_client/get_loggers]: new Service instance
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631184.003141] ... service URL is rosrpc://raspberrypi:35061
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631184.003397] [/ping_client/set_logger_level]: new Service instance
[INFO] [WallTime: 1473631184.130352] Waiting for ping action server...
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631184.131371] connecting to raspberrypi 52197
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631184.131768] connecting to raspberrypi 52197
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631184.152471] connecting to raspberrypi 52197
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1473631194.139802] Ping action server timed out
[INFO] [WallTime: 1473631194.140166] Shutting down
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631194.192350] connecting to raspberrypi 52197
[DEBUG] [WallTime: 1473631194.193241] connecting to raspberrypi 52197
Any ideas would be appreciated. If it matters, I have a ROS publisher that runs on the Ubuntu VM and a ROS Subscriber on the Raspberry Pi that successfully receives the published messages. The Raspberry Pi has a static IP and the Ubuntu VM has an entry in /etc/hosts to map the static IP to the host name "raspberrypi".
Here are the Ubuntu environment settings:
mike@badmonkey:~$ printenv | grep ROS
Originally posted by anonymous27962 on ROS Answers with karma: 76 on 2016-09-11
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ahendrix on 2016-09-11:
Your hostname is badmonkey
is raspberrypi
. Can you ping a node that is running on your Ubuntu machine from your raspberry pi?
Comment by anonymous27962 on 2016-09-12:
No, rosnode list includes the node, but I get this...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ rosnode ping leap_motion_publisher
rosnode: node is [/leap_motion_publisher]
pinging /leap_motion_publisher with a timeout of 3.0s
ERROR: connection refused to [http://raspberrypi:45057/]
Comment by ahendrix on 2016-09-12:
Your hostname is badmonkey
but your ROS_HOSTNAME is raspberrypi
, so any nodes running on your Ubuntu machine are advertising the wrong host name.