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Hi, I'm currently trying to playback a rosbag file made with pointcloud2, and I can do it with the rviz software, but for my purposes, I need to be able to go back and forth in the video (like you would in a media player with a regular video) , not just in one direction. Is there any way to do this?

Originally posted by cheses100 on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2016-05-18

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I think you can use rqt. Please check http://wiki.ros.org/rqt

Originally posted by A G with karma: 18 on 2016-05-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by A G on 2016-05-18:
please check http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_bag as you may need rqt_bag_plugins as well.

Comment by cheses100 on 2016-05-19:
I tired using that but since all I have access to is camera/depth_registered/points, it only gives me the option to view it as raw and as a plot. Is there some way I could make it show me the image/video too?

Comment by cheses100 on 2016-05-19:
Alright so I got it working. In case anyone else has this same issue what I had to do was first run the convert_pointcloud_to_image command and then load /camera/depth/cloud_image into rqt_bag


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