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I finished base_link → odom tf like this


But in another required tf transform, it reads

(the frame attached to incoming scans) → base_link usually a fixed value, broadcast periodically by a robot_state_publisher, or a tf static_transform_publisher.


I can not understand how to build tf: scan→ base_link , and depthimagine_to_laserscan(I use kinect) do not provide any tf Transform.

And tf transforms in Turtlebot like this:

                  |               |              | 
    camera_depth_frame     camera_link   camera_rgb_optical_frame

So, how can I combine scan data to base_link and broadcast this tf like turtlebot?

Some keywords like "camera_depth_frame", "camera_link"... Broadcasting them direct without any define or export?

And my kinect is fixed on the underpan, does it need a URDF file, or just use static_transform_publisher is fine?


Originally posted by Bill Gates on ROS Answers with karma: 28 on 2015-12-22

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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you can simply use a static_transform_publisher to build scan→ base_link tf.

Originally posted by Procópio with karma: 4402 on 2015-12-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Bill Gates on 2015-12-22:
But some keywords like "camera_depth_frame", "camera_link"... Broadcasting them direct without any define or export? I set "false" as a default for "publish_tf" in ".../freenect_launch.launch". Thanks.

Comment by Procópio on 2015-12-22:
I am not sure I understand your question, but you can also use a static_transform_publisher to create a tf between your base_link and the kinect (following the example you posted, that would be "base_link -> camera_rgb_frame".

Comment by Bill Gates on 2015-12-22:
Thank you, let me give it a try.

Comment by sar1994 on 2015-12-23:
i too am currently working on the same. I used the following command to provide a static transformation between the two $ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher -0.27 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 base_link camera_link 100


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