I am trying to use PID for position control of ardrone. I use ardrone_autonomy as a package to connect with Ardrone and send /cmd_vel. The values of /cmd_vel are calculated by PID controlling. The feedback Ardrone current positions are gotten from Motion Capture System. I am struggling at tuning PID parameters. Does anyone try it before?
My PID tunning, Ardrone can fly to /goal frame but still too osscilation and overshoot. My PID x,y is Kp_0.15, Ki_0.0, Kd_0.05. My target is that the position errors is about <20 cm. Is my target realistic with Ardrone? Any suggestion?
Thank you very much! I very appreciate.
Originally posted by tn0432 on ROS Answers with karma: 60 on 2015-06-15
Post score: 0