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Im now using the ardrone_autonomy(instead ardrone sdk) now i want to create a new node to publish topic and make the ardrone node to subscribe, and the topic will be some command that make drone to hover or something like pid control. ardrone_autonomy read me file only mentioned the commands to ardrone which is : " The drone will take off,land or emergency stop/reset by publishing an Empty ROS messages to the following topics: ardrone/takeoff, ardrone/land and ardrone/reset repectively. in order to fly the drone after takeoff, you can publish a message of type geometry_msgs::Twist to the cmd_vel topic." . And those topic only allow me to control the drone with position control. in general case, when controlling quadrotor, we may have 4 inputs like u1,u2,u3,u4, those straightly control the degree of each angles. Didn't I find the right input to control ardrone? if i did , plz tell me where those variables are, and how to change them to control ardrone's attitude. Thanks!

Originally posted by ad26kr on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2014-04-16

Post score: 0


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Originally posted by ad26kr with karma: 16 on 2014-04-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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