I want to to calibrate camera with a lidar ,after some search i think the best way is use the toolbox radlocc (MATLAB) for this toolbox is necessary to acquired data from the camera and the lidar in the same time by create a service with node subscriber to camera and node subscribrer to hokuyo the probelem i don't know how i can create this service for save a script data time (Lidar) for each capture of camera .
Originally posted by khairidine on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2015-05-04
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ashwath1993 on 2017-07-12:
How did you store the timestamps for the camera for the RADLOCC toolbox? I could collect the laser and camera data as a rosbag and convert the laser scan into ASCII format.
I did not understand the list where I should provide timestamps of the images. Any help on that? Thanks!