I already asked a question here. I received no answer but I found a way to work around the problem. I'm currently still trying to use the exploration service provided by nav2d. I solved my problem of map building by changing the mapper node by the gmapping one. But now I'm still not able to call the StartMapping and StartExplore services. I got this message: "Could not get a map." I looked at the code to find the not respected condition and I found that:
ros::ServiceClient mGetMapClient = robotNode.serviceClient<nav_msgs::GetMap>(std::string("get_map"));
nav_msgs::GetMap srv;
ROS_INFO("Could not get a map.");
return false;
Have you any idea of what to do when a service doesn't work? And particularly this one?
Thank you in advance for any answer!
Originally posted by Furane on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2015-04-10
Post score: 0