Where and how can we set maximum number of contacts in Gazebo?
By default the max. num. of contacts is 20 "rosparam get /gazebo/max_contacts" Setting the parameter to any other ( ex. 100) " rosparam set /gazebo/max_contacts 100 " does not affect the simulation results, I am always getting 20 contacts using gazebo plugin bumpers.
Originally posted by Nomad on ROS Answers with karma: 53 on 2015-03-31
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Nomad on 2015-04-06:
Calling service rosservice call /gazebo/setphysicsproperties and setting maxcontacts to 100 does not work. After calling service rosservice call /gazebo/getphysicsproperties the maxcontacts is still 20.
Comment by GuiHome on 2015-04-08:
in https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/src/e01e520d15603b87efaffa26817bf6224f00f320/gazebo/physics/Contact.hh?at=gazebo_2.2
might be one reason which limits the number of contacts generated ?