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I am trying to add a dynamic_reconfigure server to my node. catkin_make is successful, including the generation of the .h file for my .cfg file, but catkin_make install generates the error:

file INSTALL cannot find "/devel/include/customConfigFile.h"

The customConfigFile.h is generated in my package, but is not ever moved over to devel/. I could not find anything relevant mentioned in the dynamic_reconfigure tutorials. How should I install the generated header file?

I'm running Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04.

Originally posted by bgoldfai on ROS Answers with karma: 93 on 2015-02-24

Post score: 4


1 Answer 1


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I had the same issue some time ago.

Headers (and Python files) generated by dynamic_reconfigure have their install rules auto-generated as well (see dynamic_reconfigure-macros.cmake, lines 52 and 53).

The name for the files is set some lines earlier (just the cpp line here):


If I remember correctly, I had an error in my .cfg file: the third parameter of the gen.generate(..) call did not match the filename of my .cfg. This led the CMake macro to generate a wrong filename (I had double ConfigConfig.h), causing the cannot find .. error upon installing.

You might want to make sure all the names you specified are consistent with actual and generated filenames.

Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2015-02-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 6

Original comments

Comment by bgoldfai on 2015-02-24:
Thanks I went through all the parameters in my .cfg file again and found a capitalization error in one. Successfully installs now.


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