I like this question I cannot answer by myself:
I thought about that serveral times but I am going to ask a bit more general:
We all know as a user you can configure the appearance of rqt_gui, (which plugin widgets, positions, some state variables of the widgets etc.) yourself.
Now I as a developer your like to have a custom gui for my user, i. e. I do not want that my user has to configure the appearance initially but I as developer want to provide the initial arrangement of the rqt plugins, maybe along with some custom plugin widgets. Is this kind of predefining the arrangement of the rqt gui possible by providing an XML, python, whatever script? Ideally I would also be able to set some state variables, e. g. topic names as asked in the linked question? Could I launch this predefined arrangement using an executable (script) in my own package (rather than rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui)?
Originally posted by Wolf on ROS Answers with karma: 7555 on 2015-01-15
Post score: 3