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Hi there!

I just discovered rqt which seems to be super cool thing :) Is there a way to save configuration? So next time I just load all the plugins I've chosen previosly? (Like loading config in RViz)

Cheers, da-na

Originally posted by da-na on ROS Answers with karma: 306 on 2013-06-19

Post score: 3


2 Answers 2


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To compensate for @felix k's answer, rqt saves so-called perspective when it's run on rqt_gui and closed. (I just found that it's not documented) things that are saved include:

  • plugins opened
  • plugins' size and positions within the container window (rqt_gui)
  • rqt_gui's size and position with respect to the computer's desktop

To run rqt_gui, you just run:

$ rqt  (Groovy and later)
$ rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui  (Fuerte)

Running rqt_gui is the recommended usage of rqt, although you can run each rqt plugin individually.

In response to the RViz example in your question, rqt_gui does NOT save the configuration of each plugins as I listed above; instead it's up to how each plugin is implemented. And the feature of rqt variant of Rviz, rqt_rviz, is the same with what RViz has, because rqt_rviz embeds RViz, which doesn't save the .config file that was used the last time (if I remember correctly). You can open an enhancement request here.

Originally posted by 130s with karma: 10937 on 2013-06-20

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by da-na on 2013-06-20:
thank you IsaacSaito for your detailed answer :)

Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2013-06-22:
Actually every plugin can save its intrinsic state and restore it again. Some plugins store things like checked checkboxes and values of input fields. rqt_publisher e.g. restores the list of message types to be published to reuse the once setup publishers.

Comment by cshannon on 2015-10-11:
Hi Dirk. Would you be able to briefly describe the procedure for saving the intrinsic state (specifically the config) of an Rviz plugin? Thank you very much for your time.

  • Chris

Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2015-10-12:
Every plugin can persist information through these two callbacks: https://github.com/ros-visualization/qt_gui_core/blob/1eaff5a7586e78ec4f5bf501d9a3172a5da07b06/qt_gui/src/qt_gui/plugin.py#L50-L68

Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2015-10-12:
The rqt_rviz plugin would need to implement those order to store / restore information.

Comment by cshannon on 2015-10-12:
Thank you!

Comment by cshannon on 2015-11-01:
Hi Dirk, can you please let me know the file/file location in which to place the two callbacks for the rqt_rviz plugin? I'm not finding an rviz.cpp file. Thanks again.

Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2015-11-01:

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2016-08-16:
Where does it save the default perspective? I can't seem to find it. But it does save it for sure because restarting rqt returns to the state it was exited in.

Comment by 130s on 2016-08-17:
@2ROS0 http://answers.ros.org/question/53721/set-rqt_gui-perspectives-from-command-line/?answer=53746#post-id-53746


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You can import and export perspectives via the Perspective menu.

Originally posted by felix k with karma: 1650 on 2013-06-19

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2016-08-16:
Where does it save the default perspective? I can't seem to find it. But it does save it for sure because restarting rqt returns to the state it was exited in.

Comment by Arthur Queiroz on 2017-03-17:
Is there any reason for the the difference between in saving configuration in RVIZ and saving perspectives in RQT? RVIZ remembers which config file it was opened with and I can just ctrl-s to update it. On rqt, I need to export the perspective, selecting the file path again every time I do it.

Comment by dogh on 2019-06-14:
Storing perspective is kind of unuseful as it does not store all the configuration made

Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2019-07-29:
Each plugin is responsible to store/restore its intrinsic state and most plugins do that correctly. If a specific plugin doesn't do that for you you might want to fill a ticket in the repository containing that rqt plugin.


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