recently I was tasked with accessing multiple kinect in ros groovy ubuntu 12.04 in my lab, i just connect one kinect to my pc , and come across many problems during connecting 2 kinect to my pc ,and I have modified the launch file sevral times ,but failed .thanks for your help
Originally posted by wlzlnu on ROS Answers with karma: 26 on 2014-10-31
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Dan Lazewatsky on 2014-10-31:
Without more details it will be impossible to help you. What problems are you having? What launch file did you modify? How did you modify it? Please edit your original question to add more details.
Comment by wlzlnu on 2014-11-01:
I find some answers . and then two kinects works but two kinects just show the rgb image or just show the depth image .they cant show the rgb and depth image at the same time .thanks for your help !