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Hello, I want to use turtlebot to run RGBDSLAM: use a laptop connected kinect camera to obtain depth data and color data, and then through a wireless way to send the depth data and color data to the workstation side of the desktop, and then on the workstation side running RGBDSLAM. However, I encountered some problems.

1.on the workstation ssh -X turtlebot@IP_OF_TURTLEBOT

  1. on the turtlebot: roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch
  2. on the workstaion: rosrun rviz rviz

and i set the "FIxed frame : /openni_camera", and i can use rviz to see the depth data"/camera/depth/image_raw" and color data "/camera/rgb/image_mono". but the color data and the depth data seems not synchronized.when i got 2 depth data ,1 color data i got.

  1. i want to use the color data and depth data in RGBDSLAM. and on the workstaion : rosrun rgbdslam rgbdslam the GUI Appear. but it always sits with blank screens in a 'waiting for image/motion' state.

  2. in the web link text i set the "subscriber_queue_size" to a high value. The situation is still the same.

PS: my turtlebot laptop 32bit ubuntu 11.10. Electric workstaion desktop 64bit ubuntu 11.10 Electric Thanks in advance

Originally posted by longzhixi123 on ROS Answers with karma: 78 on 2013-07-17

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by yincanben on 2014-11-19:
Have you solved this problem?I want to run rgbdslam over multiple machines.Can you give some advices?


1 Answer 1


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Wireless is slow, many images are therefore dropped. This leads to badly synchronized images. RGBDSLAM uses the approximate time synchronizer to pair color and depth image (and camera info). I assume that the synchronization of the respective images is too bad to find pairs.

My suggestions:

  • Reduce bandwidth by using the monochrome image instead of rgb-color
  • Reduce bandwidth using qvga resolution.
  • Avoid the unsynchronized dropping of messages: Write and run a proxy node on the robot that combines color image, depth image and camera info in a custom message and sends that. Then on the other machine, write a proxy that splits the message and sends it again on three topics to rgbdslam. Then either all or nothing is dropped.

Originally posted by Felix Endres with karma: 6468 on 2013-07-21

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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