I have a problem with ubuntu 12.04, ros-hydro and ethzasl_icp_mapping
I searched the package but I couldn't found it
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-ethzasl-icp-mapping
Is the package avaiable for ros-hydro?, because I found only for ros groovy and fuerte.
I tried to compile from source but I have a problem at compile time with libpointmatcher_ros
is it a boost problem? from the last lines of the log it's seems to be libboost problem with shared_ptr.
Did someone had the same problem?
Originally posted by amd_best on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2014-08-27
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by BennyRe on 2014-08-27:
It should be available for hydro but the jenkins jobs are failing. See on the wiki page. Maybe you contact the maintainers.
Comment by ajain on 2014-10-01:
I moved to ROS Indigo, and I want to use ethzaasl_icp_mpping package. Apparently, the last release has been only for hydro. Though, I found "indigo_devel" branch on git, Not sure if it needs to run differently or there are some code changes yet to be pushed, but it builds fine but crashes on runtime