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Is it possible to run ROS navigation without amcl or any kind of localization? I still want to a static map that I built using gmapping, just don't want any localization.

Would that mean I should publish a zero transform from /map to /odom? My tree earlier was map -> odom -> base_link and amcl used to publish the transform from map to odom. EDIT: I did the above but I am unable to set the initial pose of the robot in the map using rviz.

Thank you.

Originally posted by 2ROS0 on ROS Answers with karma: 1133 on 2014-08-14

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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The solution was quite simple. You cannot set the initialpose using rviz since odom and map are the same now. So I reflected the initialpose into the static transform that I am publishing from map to odom.

Originally posted by 2ROS0 with karma: 1133 on 2014-08-14

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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