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I was wondering if there are any real-world systems using the ROS navigation package? I'm talking about commercially applied robots. Does anyone have any info of ROS navigation implementations in general as well?

For example: There is a bridge inspection robot and a couple of agricultural robots I know of but they are startups and not completely commercialized AFAIK.

Thank you.

Originally posted by 2ROS0 on ROS Answers with karma: 1133 on 2014-07-16

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by Tom Moore on 2014-07-16:
So you're looking for active commercial applications that use the ROS navigation stack/metapackage? There are quite a few packages in it. Are you interested in the use of any of them?

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2014-07-16:
It seems like a lot of good code structured into a nice integrative format. So I was wondering if anyone was configuring the whole structure for their robots and making it into an actual product. Even examples of implementation of individual packages will be nice.

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2014-07-16:
Or is it at this point more of a research and University focused effort.


1 Answer 1


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At the very least, Clearpath's robots fit your description.

Originally posted by David Lu with karma: 10932 on 2014-07-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by 2ROS0 on 2014-07-16:
That's true. But then again Clearpath as well is effectively a prototyping platform used by many Universities and research organisations. Have their robots been used in say agriculture or manufacturing or defense or whatever w/ ROS navigation?


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