I'm running the navigation stack on the Seekur Jr. robot. After a lot of parameter tuning, I have managed to get the robot to move satisfactorily to the goal.
However, when the goal is mostly straight in front of the robot (like at the end of a straight corridor) I find that the robot oscillates about (right and left) the path given to it by move_base. Is there a way to bias the robot to select more linear trajectories and less of angular trajectories?
In my application, I do not care much about the lateral displacement (and so I have set the xy goal tolerance to be high) but that doesn't solve the problem.
Thank you.
Video link: https://vimeo.com/102831405
I am navigating a corridor. I have a wall following algorithm that is computing a goal and sending it to move base. The goal can be seen by the big red marker and the global path (green) and local path (pink) are also visible. Ignore the green points on the floor in front of the robot (those are the computed ground plane).
As you can see, the planner always selects paths that curve a bit to the right. Although it keeps correcting and turning back to the left, it keep going ever so slightly to the right. And finally it gets too close to the obstacle.
So I am guessing that for whatever reason it is choosing trajectories that have negative v_theta. Any help you could proved on this would be great.
Thank you.
Originally posted by 2ROS0 on ROS Answers with karma: 1133 on 2014-08-03
Post score: 1