Sorry for the delayed response,
In addition to what BennyRe rightly said, I suggest you check your camera frame id with
rostopic echo /camera/camera_info .
In this case, publishing with respect to the camera frame is a good idea, since ar_track_alvar returns marker coordinates. (It is similar to the ar_single and ar_multiple components of the ar_pose package. )
I had set my output_frame as v4l_frame using:
<param name="frame_id" value="/v4l_frame" />
in the corresponding launch file.
In case you do not have frame id being set (or your driver lacks camera_info as mine did), try including that in your driver (be it gscam / usb_cam / uvc_camera ).
In case your camera frame is not publish
Originally posted by Tanmay with karma: 110 on 2014-06-05
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Post score: 1