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I was using ros-fuerte and ros-groovy before. I was using the PR2 robot. Now that I want to make the robot appear under ros-hydro but I'm having some troubles.

The first command I was using to load the gazebo environment

roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch

And now in hydro is:

roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch 

Gazebo is loading and working fine. Next is to load the robot, I was using:

 roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch

I've looked for the pr2.launch file and now it's in /opt/ros/hydro/share/pr2_bringup/pr2.launch so the command for ros-hydro should be

 roslaunch pr2_bringup pr2.launch

but it's not working. Any ideas?

Originally posted by silgon on ROS Answers with karma: 649 on 2013-09-20

Post score: 8


1 Answer 1


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The PR2 simulator is not yet supported on Hydro, and has not been released.

When it is released, that proper startup command will be:

roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch

Originally posted by ahendrix with karma: 47576 on 2013-09-20

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by silgon on 2013-09-20:
thank you, then i'll go back to groovy meanwhile

Comment by Georg Bartels on 2013-11-04:
Has this been already released? I could not find any debian package sounding like pr2_gazebo. If this is still up for release: Any guesstimated time for release? Is it possible to checkout the current devel branch of pr2_gazebo and give it a try?

Comment by silgon on 2013-11-21:
I tried last week, it's not released yet. I have no idea when it's going to be released. But it's already a long time since hydro came out.

Comment by Georg Bartels on 2013-11-25:
Basically, it seems there are quite some changes needed to have this running in Hydro. However, I have a feeling it will happen at some point in the future. See here for a discussion: http://lists.willowgarage.com/pipermail/pr2-users/2013-November/001830.html

Comment by Maestre on 2014-03-26:
Dear all, do you have any news about the update of the PR2 simulator to be compatible with Hydro? I just write here not to open a new thread just for this question.

Comment by ZdenekM on 2014-03-26:
With pr2_simulator from github (branch hydro-devel), it works ok for me (on some machines). Btw, when there will be indigo branch? ;)

Comment by ahendrix on 2014-03-26:
I have no estimate on when there will be a release; there are still a number of unresolved issues in the hydro-devel branch. Since there are minimal changes between hydro and indigo, I expect that the hydro-devel branch will work on indigo.

Comment by sam on 2014-06-29:
Now I found it can work on hydro~


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