I've been working on getting ROS Groovy on a BeagleBone. Following the instructions on installing Groovy from source (http://www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Installation/Source) (there are a few errors in this) I can build the catkin workspace with different variants just fine.
As I only need the BeagleBone for interfacing sensors remotely to my ROS PC I'm working mainly with the bare bones variant (ROS-Comm). I tried the Robot variant as it has the additional packages I need but there are erros with collada (and I don't need collada and several other packages that come with Robot so I'm starting with ROS-Comm).
Now my question: After the catkin workspace is built, how do you build new packages into the existing catkin ws?
Originally posted by TJump on ROS Answers with karma: 160 on 2013-05-05
Post score: 0