I'm working with the household_objects_database , I have installed it from link text , but I have faced a problem in the step of working with PGAdmin3 , there was an error telling me that the version of pgadmin isn't suitable to work with the version of postgreSQl , so I tried to upgrade the version of PGADmin , but I got amessage telling me that : pgadmin3 is already the newest version ,so I tried to upgrade the postgreSQL ,but it is the newest version too , what can I do to solve this problem ?
I'm using ROS furete on Ubuntu 11.10 .
Originally posted by RiskTeam on ROS Answers with karma: 238 on 2013-03-02
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by RiskTeam on 2013-03-06:
Do u have any idea about this ?