I was wondering if there is an interactive-marker based tool available that I can use to remove points from a pointcloud or pointcloud2 by clicking on them or highlighting a set of points. Then when the desired pointcloud remains, you can press a key that writes a PCD file. As far as I know, I don't think it would be too hard to write but I'm hoping that it's already available in the object-modeling community. I can see it as a part of the tool chain after you use roboearth to make the model.
If there is no such tool, I would appreciate any advise on quickly cleaning up a PCD file other than just writing a quick program to delete points within a bounding box (guess and check...).
(By the way - if this doesn't exist for point clouds, maybe it exists for other 3D data types such as octomaps? In general, maybe we need a tool that can do this for pointcloud, pointcloud2, octomap, laser scan etc.)
Originally posted by ben on ROS Answers with karma: 674 on 2013-01-29
Post score: 1