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Does anyone know about a USB Graphics card that has drivers that function in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? The graphics card on my PC does not support multi-display functionality in Ubuntu OR RViz feeds from the kinect sensor...

Any suggestions on a good USB graphics card with Linux drivers?

Thanks! Andy

Originally posted by Andrius on ROS Answers with karma: 41 on 2013-01-28

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by felix k on 2013-01-29:
What devices is your PC made of?


1 Answer 1


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Andy, a USB graphics adapter is a waste of money. Why don't you tell everyone what your ROS project is, then they can help you better? You don't mention if it must be a laptop, or battery operated?

The easiest path is to get yourself a spare desktop PC (can be second hand) with a nice NVidia graphics card. Setup a fresh Ubuntu install and you'll be set.

Originally posted by dbworth with karma: 1103 on 2013-01-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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