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Hello all,

I'm searching for an HMD (head-mounted display) to use for stereoscopic vision and pan&tilt camera control using IMU readings.

As such, the requirements are:

  • Good resolution and stereocopic view;
  • Compatibility with ubuntu;
  • IMU incorporated.

Also, if you have any experience with some HMD and you use ROS, can you point how you use sterescopic view from 2 different image sources in ROS? There are many methods and I'd like to know which ones you use.

Thank you in advance,

Filipe Jesus

Originally posted by Filipe Jesus on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2012-11-22

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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You might find this announcement of Occulus Rift support for rviz interesting. http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/Oculus-Rift-Integration-in-RViz-td4020193.html

Originally posted by tfoote with karma: 58457 on 2013-07-17

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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