I have two laptops running Ubuntu lucid and ROS electric. I have written three publishers in roscpp that are publishing input data to rostopics.
When running on one computer, I am able to see the topics and echo them to see the data being published.
For the second computer, I have set the ROS_MASTER_URI to the IP of the first computer, and when doing a rostopic list I am able to see the topics from the first computer. But when I rostopic echo, I do not see any of the data that is visible on the first computer.
I can ping back and forth, ssh and copy files, and I see the topic list change correctly as I start and kill my publishers. I do not know what the issue is. My ros_master_uri is set correctly, and the publishers are giving data to the topic. It just doesnt come through the wireless.
Originally posted by Blstinne on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2012-05-21
Post score: 0