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For example, I want to analysis roscpp call graph.

Which tools I can use? How?

It will very great if it has graphical interface.

Thank you~

Originally posted by sam on ROS Answers with karma: 2570 on 2012-04-05

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by PKG on 2012-04-05:
Can you use doxygen or codeviz?

Comment by sam on 2012-04-05:
Thank you. I found that I can use doxywizard to generate each function's call graph,but where is the whole picture call graph? Another question is codeviz should patch compiler,so it seems very hard to work on ROS. How to do it?

Comment by sam on 2012-04-05:
I also found that doxywizard just generate partial call graph. Because I found that the function it generate call graph failed (roscpp init.cpp init() ). Is there any tool can generate complete call graph? Thank you~


2 Answers 2


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As with any binary in Linux, you can use valgrind / callgrind to collect the information during run time. A visualizer for the results is e.g. http://kcachegrind.sourceforge.net/html/Documentation.html.

You can install the package in Ubuntu with

sudo apt-get install valgrind kcachegrind

Originally posted by AHornung with karma: 5904 on 2012-11-04

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3


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This isn't really a ROS-specific question, but Stack Overflow has this solution which might be helpful.

Originally posted by Bill Smart with karma: 1263 on 2012-11-02

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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