I am very new to ROS and quite rusty on my C++. Currently I'm on Fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04. I was following the roscpp tutorial which explains how to create a simple publisher and subscriber.
I think I understand the tutorial fairly ok so I wanted to try and generalize it a little bit and instead of creating the nodes inside their respective main() as done in the tutorial to try and create classes for them.
I tried rewriting the publisher part first and came up with the following code (Based on the roscpp overview pages and my own ideas.
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
class BasicNode
BasicNode() {};
void timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event);
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::Timer timer;
ros::Publisher pub;
std_msgs::String str;
void BasicNode::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) {
str.data = "hello world";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
BasicNode MyPubNode;
ros::init(argc, argv, "BasicNode");
MyPubNode.pub = MyPubNode.nh.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter",1000);
MyPubNode.timer = MyPubNode.nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), &MyPubNode.timerCallback, &MyPubNode);
I try and compile the file but get the following error:
/home/rikonor/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/beginner_tutorials/src/BasicNode.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
/home/rikonor/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/beginner_tutorials/src/BasicNode.cpp:28:76: error: ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function. Say ‘&BasicNode::timerCallback’ [-fpermissive]
I tried a different approach as well changing the following:
MyPubNode.timer = MyPubNode.nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), BasicNode::timerCallback);
and received the following error:
error: invalid use of non-static member function ‘void BasicNode::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent&)’
If anybody can direct me to what I am doing wrong I will appreciate it. Am I even going at it the right way? Is this the conventional way? In the meantime I'll keep trying and figure it out, if I find anything, I'll post it back here. Thank you, rikonor
I think I found out what I did wrong, I did call ros::spin(). I edited the code to add the following:
Is this indeed enough or am I missing anything else? Also since I called ros::spin() inside of main(), would you recommend a class function that does it instead, and gets called from main? To be honest I don't see how it matters but I thought I'd ask.
Again, thank you. rikonor
Originally posted by rikonor on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2013-02-05
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by dornhege on 2013-02-05:
I personally prefer to do spinning from the main, but the problem is unrelated as you had a problem at compile-time. Forgetting to spin will result in missing functionality at run-time.