Hi, I followed the steps in http://ros.org/wiki/ApplicationsPlatform/Clients/Android and installed the android developer tools as explained in here. I Also followed step 4 in creating your own android app, but after hitting rosmake --threads=1 i get the following error on 62nd package make which is my project package that DefaultNodeFactory is not being find. I have copied the error part of the make down below. Also if I do rosmake on any of the tutorial packages they get to compile fine but when I used the steps explained on the website i keep getting this error, so if someone could help me I would really appreciate it.
[rosmake-1] Starting >>> android_test1 [ make ]
[ rosmake ] Last 40 linesdroid_test1: 6... [ 1 Active 62/63 Complete ]
[echo] Handling Resources...
[aapt] No changed resources. R.java and Manifest.java untouched.
-compile: [javac] /home/vahid/ROS_DIR/rosjava_core/rosjava_bootstrap/android.xml:607: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 52 source files to /home/vahid/ROS_DIR/appmanandroid/library/bin/classes [javac] RosActivity.java:48: cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : class DefaultNodeFactory [javac] location: package org.ros.internal.node [javac] import org.ros.internal.node.DefaultNodeFactory; [javac] ^ [javac] SendGoalDisplay.java:59: cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : class DefaultNodeFactory [javac] location: package org.ros.internal.node [javac] import org.ros.internal.node.DefaultNodeFactory; [javac] ^ [javac] RosActivity.java:570: cannot find symbol [javac] symbol: class DefaultNodeFactory [javac] node = new DefaultNodeFactory(nodeMainExecutor.getScheduledExecutorService()).newNode(config); [javac] ^ [javac] SendGoalDisplay.java:206: cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : class DefaultNodeFactory [javac] location: class ros.android.views.SendGoalDisplay [javac] Node newNode = new DefaultNodeFactory().newNode(nc); [javac] ^ [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 4 errors
BUILD FAILED /home/vahid/ROS_DIR/appmanandroid/build_app.xml:116: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/vahid/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/ant/build.xml:485: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/vahid/ROS_DIR/rosjava_core/rosjava_bootstrap/android.xml:587: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/vahid/ROS_DIR/rosjava_core/rosjava_bootstrap/android.xml:607: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 5 seconds Executing command: ['ant']
[ rosmake ] Output from build of package android_test1 written to:
[ rosmake ] /home/vahid/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120212-194658/android_test1/build_output.log
[rosmake-1] Finished <<< android_test1 [FAIL] [ 61.48 seconds ]
[ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package android_test1.
[ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete.
[ rosmake ] Results:
[ rosmake ] Built 63 packages with 1 failures.
[ rosmake ] Summary output to directory
[ rosmake ] /home/vahid/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120212-194658
Originally posted by vahid on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2012-02-12
Post score: 1