I am currently working on a huge project where several identical robots will work together using ROS as the framework. There will be a central roscore, with the same nodes/topics launched on each robot, but under different namespaces. I have successfully implemented this in my launchfiles using a group tag, but quickly hit another snag:
tf doesn't allow for namespaces the same way that nodes/topics do. I managed to solve this problem as well by setting the tf_prefix parameter for every node using tf (using some really ugly launchfile arguments).
The problem I'm standing before right now is a bit more difficult though. Each of the robots has a Kinect equipped, so the system will contain multiple Kinects, both nodes, topics and tf transforms.
Every approach I've tried so far has failed here. I can get the nodes/topics in the correct namespace, but I am unable to do the same for the Kinect.
I am using the
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
file to start the Kinect (which works fine in single robot systems).
Is there a way to have multiple Kinects in the same ROS system? Preferably not by changing the "camera" argument, since it would make the rest of the code unmanageable.
EDIT: I found this post: http://answers.ros.org/question/103/how-can-multiple-robots-communicate-using-ros where the answer suggests to use multiple masters. This would probably solve my problem at the expense of a few hours of coding. Still, it would be interesting to see if a single master solution is possible using openni_launch.
Originally posted by Per Lenander on ROS Answers with karma: 55 on 2011-12-13
Post score: 3