hi all, i'm trying to display a camera on rviz, the source is a camera on Gazebo. rviz shows me that:
CameraInfo -> No CameraInfo received on [/finger_tip_cam/camera_info]. Topic may not exist.
image -> No image received.
Transform [sender/=Gazebo] -> No CameraInfo received on [/finger_tip_cam/camera_info]. Topic may not exist.
What could the problem be?
Originally posted by Maurizio88 on ROS Answers with karma: 155 on 2011-12-11
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by joq on 2011-12-12:
Try running "rostopic list", and adding an (edited) list of the relevant topics to your question.
Comment by Bram van de Klundert on 2011-12-11:
are you sure data is being published on those topics? how did you add the camera in gazebo? please provide something for us to work with