LSE communication is currently not available as a Debian binary release.
You will have to install it manually via version control.
You can do this one of two ways, a rosinstall file, like this:
- svn:
local-name: lse-sensor-network
And then simply do a rosinstall
rosinstall ~/devel/ros /opt/ros/electric ~/Downloads/automow.rosinstall
And then source the generated file, for bash, this would be:
source ~/devel/ros/setup.bash
You can also add this to your ~/.bashrc
Your other option is to actually check it out in your ROS directory:
cd /opt/ros/electric/stacks/
svn co isr-uc-ros-pkg
rosmake -i lse_communication
You may have to perform some of these actions with sudo, and the -i flag to rosmake will mark the packages as built, so you won't have to rebuild them again (making it easier to work with user priviledges).
Originally posted by mjcarroll with karma: 6414 on 2011-08-28
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by mjcarroll on 2011-08-28:
No, you can always update by navigating to the directory that you installed it to and running "rosinstall ."
Comment by sam on 2011-08-28:
If I use the first way to install,when that stack updated,whether the system will update it for me or not?