We got the tod_training package working, according to the BaseCreation tutorial. I noticed a program called "model_mesher," whose code looks like it is supposed to output a ".ply" (mesh) file from a bag file with a point cloud as input. Unfortunately, there were assertion errors:
/tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-perception-pcl-0.10.0/debian/ros-diamondback-perception-pcl/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/perception_pcl/flann/include/flann/algorithms/kdtree_single_index.h:151: void flann::KDTreeSingleIndex::BoundingBox::computeFromData(const flann::Matrix&) [with Distance = flann::L2_Simple]: Assertion `data.rows>0' failed.
I am assuming this is still under development, since it was updated very recently. It doesn't look like it is being used in the OpenCV solutions in perception challenge. What are the plans for the model_mesher program? Is it still under active development? Should we try to improve it ourselves?
Originally posted by sdavies on ROS Answers with karma: 88 on 2011-04-12
Post score: 1