The wiki page doesn't list the options for this yaml file. Where are these listed and read in? I'm having very mixed results.
Originally posted by KoenBuys on ROS Answers with karma: 2314 on 2011-03-26
Post score: 0
The wiki page doesn't list the options for this yaml file. Where are these listed and read in? I'm having very mixed results.
Originally posted by KoenBuys on ROS Answers with karma: 2314 on 2011-03-26
Post score: 0
TOD is currently unsupported and is seeing a big overhaul. Once the API is stable we will release it again (we plan around July/August 2011). I updated the wiki for the parameters we use internally so please trust that. Other features/descriptors are possible. For example, for SIFT you would use: detector_type: SIFT extractor_type: sequential descriptor_type: SIFT detector_params: max_features: 2000. min_features: 1000. extractor_params: octaves: 3.
Originally posted by Vincent Rabaud with karma: 1111 on 2011-06-17
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 2