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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know how to record a tod_training bag file. I have some unsuccessful attempts. I don't know why my bag files are not valid. I changed all the topics names of my kinect output topics as /camera_info /image (initial name ../rgb/image_color) /image_mono /points2 as my main bag file i record these topics to main.bag In main.tf.bag I have my tf message. I edit config.txt having the name main

But it doesn't take the image and point cloud instances as it should be.

How can I record a tod_training bag with kinect? What are the bottlenecks?

Best regards..

Originally posted by dlmypr on ROS Answers with karma: 236 on 2011-03-11

Post score: 2


2 Answers 2


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Hello! For recording bags we have our own program - tod_training image_pcl_recorder You can launch this for the openni by running: roslaunch tod_training record_openni.launch bag:=pwd/awesome.bag interval:=0.5

It writes bag file with needed topic names. Best regards, Alexander.

Originally posted by Alexander Shishkov with karma: 191 on 2011-03-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by dlmypr on 2011-03-30:
they moved it to tod_stub and dump_all and train all are gone. new name of the executable is model_extraction

Comment by KoenBuys on 2011-03-24:
This launch file is currently missing in my svn co from :https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/branches/trunk_diamondback/stacks/object_recognition/tod_training Where can I find it?


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It seems that the image_pcl_recorder moved to tod_stub and the launch file also.

Originally posted by KoenBuys with karma: 2314 on 2011-03-24

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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