Finally got openni_camera and all its dependencies built on OSX Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, the openni_node module when it is started prints 3 times the following message:
Warning:recursive print statement has occurred. Throwing out recursive print.
and then exits
This error is similar to this one: http://answers.ros.org/question/269/openni_nodelaunch-warning-recursive-print but i am not sure if its caused by the same reasons Has anyone got the kinect working on os x 10.6, if so, any advices?
Hello again, I have now tried the new stack openni_kinect on osx but still no success although now I think that I am really close... These have been my steps:
I have installed the kinect on osx using the avin sensor and these steps: http://c4c.posterous.com/installing-openni-kinect-drivers-and-nite-on, This works like a charm
I have followed the instructions to install openni_kinect. Initially it did not compile because it did not find a header file from openi, so I have added the option include_libraries(/usr/include/ni), to my Cmakelists.txt
Every thing compiles now smoothly, now I try to run the openni_node, so I run:
rosrun openni_camera openni_node
and I get this:terminate called after throwing an instance of 'openni_wrapper::OpenNIException' what(): unsigned int openni_wrapper::OpenNIDriver::updateDeviceList() @ /Users/alalbiol/Programacion/upvsoft/ros/openni_kinect/openni_kinect/openni_camera/src/openni_driver.cpp @ 114 : number of streams and devices does not match: 2 devices, 3 depth streams, 2 image streams
So I guess that the camera is detected but still something goes wrong, Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Originally posted by Alberto Albiol on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2011-03-08
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by blueskin on 2011-03-08:
can you reply exactly what commands you are issuing and any errors you get. Thanks