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I have a small robot which I want to spawn it on a ramp that I have created. Everytime I spawn it there, due to the inertia the robot rolls down the ramp and then falls down into the emptness where ramp is present. So i wanted to firwst launch a ground_plane on which later I want to launch a ramp, so that even if robot rolls down the ramp, it doesnt fall down into emptyness. Can anyone please help me how to do that ?

I have tried using two include statements one for each model and yet only the first include statement is being considered while launching. I am launching it using roslaunch.

Originally posted by microbot on Gazebo Answers with karma: 3 on 2019-09-20

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by kumpakri on 2019-09-20:
You can add the ground model into your world

<sdf version="1.4"> 
  <world name="world"> 

Comment by microbot on 2019-09-20:
Thank you, I have did that before although i forgot to add appropriate scale, now I fixed it and its running, thank you.

Comment by kumpakri on 2019-09-20:
I have edited the question title and added the answer so that other users can find this thread useful.


1 Answer 1


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Adding ground to WORLD file:

<sdf version="1.4"> 
  <world name="world"> 

Originally posted by kumpakri with karma: 755 on 2019-09-20

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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