I will write a short example how to listen to a ROS topic, and control the joint regarding the position you get from the topic, the control will be via a PID controller. Here is some info about PID controllers.
You will change the value of the joint target position in the Callback function, and compute the effort and apply it on the joint in the OnUpdate() function.
Then you can just create a ROS subscriber and init the PID in your Load() function, something like:
void ROSPlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /*_sdf*/)
int argc = 0;
char** argv = NULL;
ros::init(argc,argv,"ROS plugin");
this->rosnode = new ros::NodeHandle();
// Store the pointer to the model
this->model = _parent;
// Store the joint you want to control
this->joint = this->model->GetJoint("joint_name");
// initialize the pid ( common::Pid ),
// you have to see for yourself which values works best for you
this->jointPID (10, 0, 0, 10, -10);
// subscribing to the rost topic, and calling the callback function
this->ROS_subscriber = this->rosnode->subscribe("/ROS_topic", 10, &ROSPlugin::ROSCallback, this);
// Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every simulation iteration.
this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(boost::bind(&DataGlovePlugin::OnUpdate, this));
The callback function from the ROS topic:
void ROSPlugin::ROSCallback(const package_name::MsgType& msg)
// you update the position of where you want the joint to move
this->joint_target_pos = msg.pos;
The OnUpdate() function:
void ROSPlugin::OnUpdate()
// compute the steptime for the PID
common::Time currTime = this->model->GetWorld()->GetSimTime();
common::Time stepTime = currTime - this->prevUpdateTime;
this->prevUpdateTime = currTime;
// set the current position of the joint, and the target position,
// and the maximum effort limit
double pos_target = this->joint_target_pos;
double pos_curr = this->joint->GetAngle(0).Radian();
double max_cmd = this->joint_max_effort;
// calculate the error between the current position and the target one
double pos_err = pos_curr - pos_target;
// compute the effort via the PID, which you will apply on the joint
double effort_cmd = this->jointPID.Update(pos_err, stepTime);
// check if the effort is larger than the maximum permitted one
effort_cmd = effort_cmd > max_cmd ? max_cmd :
(effort_cmd < -max_cmd ? -max_cmd : effort_cmd);
// apply the force on the joint
this->joint->SetForce(0, effort_cmd);
If you have problems implementing the idea let me know.
Originally posted by AndreiHaidu with karma: 2108 on 2013-04-12
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 8
Original comments
Comment by skhan on 2013-04-12:
Thanks Andrei, m gona try it. I hope it will work for me =)
Comment by Ben B on 2013-04-18:
That's great, Andrei. Have you considered working this into a tutorial on the wiki?
Comment by AndreiHaidu on 2013-04-19:
Thanks, I did not think about it, but if you think it's worth it, I could complete plugin and write it as a tutorial. I just need to know where to put it, and under which title.
Comment by Ben B on 2013-04-19:
It could expand this one: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.5/ros_enabled_model_plugin or be a second part to it -- under the "ROS Integration" section.
Comment by gazer on 2013-06-14:
is this working?