When I use Contact sensor in Gazebo 1.3, I am basically using following code.
// Get all the contacts.
msgs::Contacts contacts;
contacts = this->parentSensor->GetContacts();
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.contact_size(); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < contacts.contact(i).position_size(); ++j)
std::cout << j << " Position:"
<< contacts.contact(i).position(j).x() << " "
<< contacts.contact(i).position(j).y() << " "
<< contacts.contact(i).position(j).z() << "\n";
The 'GetContacts' function returns many contact informations (in my case, contact_size was 30~50). And each contact includes a bunch of contact positions. I have looked the position data. All contacts includes quite similar position data.
What is the difference between contacts? Is it a group of contact points by position?
I thought if there is two bodies and two contact points between bodies, the contact_size is 2 and each contact includes a bunch of positions that are located in each contact point. Am I correct?
===== Update 1 ======
I use following two objects
PR2's upper arm part
<link name='l_upper_arm_roll_link'> <self_collide>0</self_collide> <gravity>0</gravity> <pose>0.050000 0.188000 0.790675 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000</pose> <inertial> <mass>6.117690</mass> <pose>0.210551 0.016309 -0.000561 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000</pose> <inertia> <ixx>0.025306</ixx> <ixy>-0.003393</ixy> <ixz>0.000608</ixz> <iyy>0.084737</iyy> <iyz>-0.000200</iyz> <izz>0.086016</izz> </inertia> </inertial> <collision name='l_upper_arm_roll_link_geom'> <geometry> <mesh> <uri>model://pr2_arm/meshes/shoulder_v0/upper_arm_roll_L.stl</uri> </mesh> </geometry> </collision> <visual name='l_upper_arm_roll_link_geom_visual'> <geometry> <mesh> <uri>model://pr2_arm/meshes/shoulder_v0/upper_arm_roll.stl</uri> </mesh> </geometry> </visual> <collision name='l_upper_arm_roll_link_geom_l_upper_arm_link'> <geometry> <mesh> <uri>model://pr2_arm/meshes/upper_arm_v0/upper_arm.stl</uri> </mesh> </geometry> </collision> <visual name='l_upper_arm_roll_link_geom_l_upper_arm_link_visual'> <geometry> <mesh> <uri>model://pr2_arm/meshes/upper_arm_v0/upper_arm.dae</uri> </mesh> </geometry> </visual> <sensor name='l_upper_arm_roll_tactile_sensor' type=contact> <contact> <collision>l_upper_arm_roll_link_geom_l_upper_arm_link</collision> <topic>__default_topic__</topic> </contact> <plugin name="ros_tactile_plugin" filename="libros_tactile_plugin.so" /> <always_on>1</always_on> <update_rate>100.0</update_rate> <visualize>false</visualize> </sensor> <velocity_decay/> </link>
<link name="link"> <inertial> <mass>50.0</mass> </inertial> <collision name="surface"> <pose>0 0 0.6 0 0 0</pose> <geometry> <box> <size>1.5 0.8 0.03</size> </box> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode> <mu>500.000000</mu> <mu2>500.000000</mu2> <slip1>0.000000</slip1> <slip2>0.000000</slip2> </ode> </friction> <contact> <ode> <soft_cfm>0.04</soft_cfm> <soft_erp>0.9</soft_erp> <kp>50000.0</kp> <kd>1.000</kd> <max_vel>10.000000</max_vel> <min_depth>0.000000</min_depth> </ode> </contact> </surface> </collision> <visual name="surface"> <pose>0 0 0.6 0 0 0</pose> <geometry> <box> <size>1.4 0.8 0.04</size> </box> </geometry> <material> <script> <uri>file://media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material</uri> <name>Gazebo/Wood</name> </script> </material> </visual>
As we can see, one is mesh object and another one is a box. Could you kindly answer followings?
- Each triangle of the mesh gives one contact object like 'contacts.contact(0)' when a box and the triangle collide.
- One contact object like 'contacts.contact(0)' includes several positions like 'contacts.contact(0).position(~)'. The positions are only limited in the collision area between one triangle and a box.
Originally posted by Daehyung Park on Gazebo Answers with karma: 47 on 2013-01-15
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by cga on 2013-01-15:
Please also respond to question 559, which asks a similar question and wonders what the timing information means. Thanks, Chris