From contact sensor, we can get contact objects (gazebo::physics::Contact).
The contact object includes followings.
std::string collision1
Name of the first collision object.
std::string collision2
Name of the second collision object.
How does Gazebo decide the order ?
And, how about following? Assumption:
(1) There is a contact between link_1 and link_2,
(2) link_1 has contact sensor.
Among the resulted contact objects from sensor, if the objects' elements are like following,
(1) collision1 specifies link_1
(2) collision2 specifies link_2
wrench(i).body_1_force in those objects are forces from link_2 to link_1. Am I right?
The '1,2' things make me really confused. I really need help. Thanks.
Originally posted by Daehyung Park on Gazebo Answers with karma: 47 on 2013-01-17
Post score: 0