Is there a database or website that has collected the seminal papers in different disciplines of robotics like machine learning, AI, mobile robots, etc.
By seminal I mean papers that made a path-breaking impact on the theoretical side, for example, proved a theorem that captivated and inspired a large number of derivative works. So, I am mainly looking for high-impact papers that made fundamental contributions in mathematical modeling, algorithm design etc. and not so much on the hardware application side of it because in that respect videos of Boston dynamics or festo robotics are the better sources of inspiration.
I know some seminal papers like:-
- Latombe's planning book
- Khatib's potential field method
- SLAM paper
- Kalman's derivation of his filter
- DP paper by Berketsas
But similar seminal papers are missing in say robotic formation control etc.
So my question has someone collected papers that rigorously and mathematically showed some big result in robotics.