I have written a matlab code to solve IK for 6 DOF robotic arm. I use Newton method to numerically solve IK. Also i use Tikhonov regularization to hand bad conditioned Jacobians. It works fast and reliable when i want just to move the last link in certain position, when i use difference between X,Y,Z coordinates as condition to interrupt loop of Newtoon method. But when i want also to get into the right orientation (use difference between Euler angles as interrupt condition) it takes a very long time 2, 5, 10 minutes even more, regardless i want to get to the right coordinates also or not. So there are questions:
- How can i accelerate calculations, or why is it so slow?
- Can i use quternions instead of Euler angles? Quternions will increase dimension of Jacobian so it will not be a square matrix anymore and it will not be possible to use Tikhonov regularization that works so good.
- How often people use numerical methods to solve such things? I saw may examples of using analitycal solutions but not numerical.
- How to get sure that programm will find solution using Newton method and programm will find it in finite number of interations?
UPD: here is my matlab code, that was rewritten using damped least squares method and quaternion. But still i have the same problem. In this code we move along trajectory, but we can remove it and try to jump directly to the destination point.
%Derivative step for Jacobian composing
step = 0.01;
%Generalized coordinates for start position
q_prev = [34; 89; 1; 1; 89; 0];
%Generalized coordinates for end position. To be sure we can reach it
q_fin = [170; 150; 120; 156; 9; 158];
%get_coordinates() function returns 4x4 matrix of homogeneous transformations. It contains forward kinematics equations
%Coordinates we are at
A_forward = get_coordinates( q_prev );
%Coordinates we need to reach
Dest = get_coordinates( q_fin );
%Getting rotation matrices for start and finish positions
rotmat_curr = A_forward(1:3, 1:3);
rotmat_dest = Dest(1:3, 1:3);
%Matrix_to_quat() - is my analog of rotm2quat() function
%Getting quternions for start and finish positions
quat_curr = matrix_to_quat(rotmat_curr);
quat_dest = matrix_to_quat(rotmat_dest);
%Next steps are not inmportant, but i still comment them
%Here i make a trajectory, and move along it with small steps. It was
%needed for Newton's method but also useful if it is needed to move along a
%real trajectory
%X coordinate Y coordinate Z coordinate Quaternion
coordinates_current = [ A_forward(1,4); A_forward(2,4); A_forward(3,4); quat_curr ];
coordinates_destination = [ Dest(1,4); Dest(2,4); Dest(3,4); quat_dest ];
%Coordinate step
step_coord = 5;
%Create table - trajectory
distance = sqrt( (coordinates_destination(1) - coordinates_current(1)).^2 + (coordinates_destination(2) - coordinates_current(2)).^2 +(coordinates_destination(3) - coordinates_current(3)).^2 );
%Find out the number of trajectory points
num_of_steps = floor(distance / step_coord);
%Initialize trajectory table
table_traj = zeros(7,(5*num_of_steps));
%Calculate steps size for each coordinate
step_x = (coordinates_destination(1) - coordinates_current(1)) / num_of_steps;
step_y = (coordinates_destination(2) - coordinates_current(2)) / num_of_steps;
step_z = (coordinates_destination(3) - coordinates_current(3)) / num_of_steps;
step_qw = (coordinates_destination(4) - coordinates_current(4)) / num_of_steps;
step_qx = (coordinates_destination(5) - coordinates_current(5)) / num_of_steps;
step_qy = (coordinates_destination(6) - coordinates_current(6)) / num_of_steps;
step_qz = (coordinates_destination(7) - coordinates_current(7)) / num_of_steps;
new_coord = coordinates_current;
%Fill trajectory table
for ind = 1:num_of_steps
new_coord = new_coord + [step_x; step_y; step_z; step_qw; step_qx; step_qy; step_qz];
table_traj(:,ind) = new_coord;
%Set lambda size. I found out that algorithm works better when lambda is
lambda = 0.1;
%In next steps i inialize Jacobian, build new destination matrix, calculate
%orientation error at the first step. As orientation error i use max
%element of quaternions difference.
for ind = 1:num_of_steps
J = zeros(7, 6);
%quat_to_matrix() - analog of quat2rotm() function
rot_matr = quat_to_matrix(table_traj(4:7, ind));
Dest = [ rot_matr, table_traj(1:3, ind);
0, 0, 0, 1 ];
%mat_to_coord_quat() function takes matrix of homogeneous
%transformations and returns 7x1 vector of coorditaes
%X Y Z and quaternion
differ = mat_to_coord_quat(Dest) - mat_to_coord_quat(A_forward);
error = max(abs(differ(4:6)));
%Here is the algorithm. It works until we have coordinates and
%orientation error less that was set
while (abs(differ(1)) > 0.05) || (abs(differ(2)) > 0.05) || (abs(differ(3)) > 0.05) || error > 0.01
%first - calculating Jacobian
for ind2 = 1:6 %for every coordinate
%Calculating of partial derivatives:
q_prev_m1 = q_prev;
q_prev_m1(ind2) = q_prev_m1(ind2) - step;
q_prev_p1 = q_prev;
q_prev_p1(ind2) = q_prev_p1(ind2) + step;
Fn1 = mat_to_coord_quat(get_coordinates(q_prev_m1)); % in q_prev vector ind1 element is one step smaller than in original q_prev
Fn2 = mat_to_coord_quat(get_coordinates(q_prev_p1)); % in q_prev vector ind1 element is one step bigger than in original q_prev
deltaF = Fn2 - Fn1; %delta functions vector
deltaF = deltaF/(2*step); %devide by step to get partial derivatives for every function
%composing Jacobian from column of partian derivatives
J(:,ind2) = deltaF;
%Next according to damped least squares method
%calculate velosities along all coordinates
A_forward = get_coordinates( q_prev );
differ = mat_to_coord_quat(Dest) - mat_to_coord_quat(A_forward);
%calculating generalized coordinates velosities
dq = (J.'*J + lambda * eye(6))\ J.' * differ;
%integrate generalized coordinates velosities
q_prev = q_prev + dq;
%calculate max orientation error
error = max(abs(differ(4:7)));
) are just end-effector velocities, not the intended partial derivatives. $\endgroup$